Login Help

How to Log In

  1. Click “Log In” in the menu.

Note: Other menu options may change, but this one will always be there, and always at the far right. Once you are logged in, it will change to “Logout”. Once logged out, it will change to “Log In”.

  1. Enter your username or your email.
  2. Enter your password.
  1. Note the “eye”. By default, your password is shown as a series of dots as you key it in. This is done for the sake of security. Click on the eye if security is not a concern and you wish to see your password. The most typical reason for doing so is to ensure it is entered properly. The eye will appear with a line through it, and your password will become visible. You can click repeatedly on the eye to change between these two states.
  1. Optional: Click “Remember Me” if you wish to remain logged in if you close your browser and return later. You will have to log in again if your browser history is cleared. Maintenance of browser history is outside the scope of this help document.
  2. Click “Log In”

If your username/email or your password were incorrect, you will see the message shown below.

  • If you attempted to log in with your username, try again using your email instead. It is more likely you forgot your username than it is to have forgotten the registered email addressed.
  • If you still receive the error message, you probably need to be registered. Contact the webmaster to have this done.
    Note: Only members of the Hampton Roads Ship Model Society may be registered. All areas of the website not restricted to members are visible without logging in, so there is no reason for visitors to be registered.
  • Once registered by the webmaster, you should receive an email like the one below. If you do not see it in your inbox, check your spam/junk folder. Click on the first link and then follow the instructions for setting your password.

Reset Forgotten Password

  1. Click “Log In” in the menu.

Note: Other menu options may change, but this one will always be there, and always at the far right. Once you are logged in, it will change to “Logout”. Once logged out, it will change to “Log In”.

  1. Click “Lost your password?”
  1. Enter your username or email address
  2. Note the message indicating you will receive a confirmation email
  3. Click “Get New Password”
  1. Note the message reminding you that you will receive a confirmation email
  1. Look in your email for the confirmation, an example of which is shown below. If you do not find it, look in your spam/junk folder.
    Click on the link. You will taken to a new form (see step 8).
  1. Enter your new password here. A very strong randomly-generated password will be entered by default. You can delete overwrite this with something easier for you to remember.
  2. The estimated strength of the password is shown here.
  3. There are some hints for how to create a strong password.
    More on password strength below. Read it before executing step 11.
  4. Once you are satisfied with the password, click “Reset Password”.

Password Strength Examples

  • Very Weak – Avoid passwords that are very short or (as shown) very obvious
  • Weak – Changing a few letters increases the strength marginally
  • Medium – A common way to increase password strength is to use 3 random words. But the words in the example below are not actually random – they form a logical phrase. A better example might be OrbitDeskPeace.
  • Strong – Replacing letters with numbers makes it even stronger
  • Very Strong – Using letters, numbers, and symbols makes it very strong. But there is no “very strong” indicator.
  1. After clicking “Reset Password”, you will see this form. Click the link “Log In” and then follow the steps in the section “How To Log In“.